Wednesday, April 30, 2008

This must be the first time in a long while (or just first time, period) that i'm blogging during class time. Not really missing much, since it's just computer design class. No, we don't design computers here. It's a class learning how to use a computer software, 'Pro Engineer 3.0', to design stuffs out. The lecturer is introducing one of the sweeping functions of the program, but i've already completed all the exercises through next week classes already. One of my classmate even said i don't have to come for a few lessons already.

Well, it's not that i'm 'professional' with the software or anything, it's just that i have already done this module before last semester, and the only reason why i'm repeating is because i did not submit any assignments. Not much anyway. Sometimes i do feel that i have an unfair advantage over the rest of the current class because of my past experience. I even felt bad when the lecturer gave me extra marks just for, ahh well, forget about it.

I'm still not very used to my 'new' class, though it's the third week of school already..


talk about mixed directions..



The Nut Within the Shell 101:

Fact #53:

If i had to choose one superpower ability, i would want to be invisible!

No wait, i would want to fly, preferbly without the use of wings.

Ahh ! Super-speed would be fun too!

I want.. i want.. ..sighs.
